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Spiritual Groups

Spiritual Groups

Lectio Divina
Reading the New Testament of the Bible over 4 years together, they share their experience and study.
Group Bible Study
Designed by Catholic Bible Life Movement, the study groups run from September to the following May studying and sharing own reflections.
Legio Marie
Accredited by the Catholic Church, it is an army of prayer and services under the direction of ‘Immaculate Mary’ and ‘Our Lady of Mercy.’
Charismatic Prayer Group
It welcomes anyone wishing to experience the power of the Spirit of God in prayer and praise.
Queen of Peace Prayer Group
Taking up the request of Our Lady manifested in Medjugorje, they pray for world peace, evangelization of our youth, and the sick and our own evangelization.
Centering Prayer Group
It is a surrender method of medication or contemplative prayer, that reaches back to the early days of Christianity. It’s a simple method of reconnecting us with the inner life and over time.