684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.
(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235
[email protected]
▶ 밴쿠버 대교구 겟세마니 묘지 오픈하우스 프로모션
Catholics save 20% off burial space to care for our Catholic family in our sacred grounds at Gardens of Gethsemani. We are also offering an Open House special discount, an additional 5% off plots, liners and services.
Contracts must be closed by October 31
가톨릭신자 디스카운트 20% + additional 5%
10월 31일까지 연락주시는 분께 한하여 제공됩니다.
- 담당자: 이효은 소피아 ☎ 778) 388-7331